Autore: Nick Rickard Data: To: dng Oggetto: Re: [DNG] Chimaera PPC64 && /etc/init.d/rsyslog
I experienced similar for chimaera to daedalus.
At some point during the upgrade* rsyslog stopped working and after a bit of exploring I found that there was no longer a /etc/init.d/rsyslog file. I got that file from rsyslog source and it's now all fine.
*My upgrade was convoluted as, for various reasons, I did a partial upgrade followed by a bit of a rollback/restore and then upgraded the rest. Over quite a few weeks. So I assumed I'd borked something in that process rather than it being a Devuan / rsyslog issue, hence I didn't raise it until you mentioned it.
On 01/12/2022 16:33, Luciano Mannucci wrote: >
> Hello all!
> I've just installed two Chimaeras on an IBM ppc e-series under qemu
> and I noticed that they went well but without rsyslog in the sysv
> init tree. I've stolen one from a Beowulf and now everything seems
> fine.
> I'm wondering if it is normal or did I made a mistake during the
> installation.
> Anyone else with the same problem?
> Cheers,
> Luciano.