:: Re: [DNG] Prototype Calamares Image
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Skribent: john faulk
Dato: 2022-11-30 19:26 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Prototype Calamares Image
just made the account! Hopefully I'm doing this right, never used a mailing
list before, heh.

In the time I was waiting, I actually fixed the desktop bug!

Attached are screenshots of the installer, with my artwork included, hope I
attached them correctly!

-John (Known hereon by my handle DarthReplicant, I *think* I put that in
correctly when I made the account)

On Wed, 30 Nov 2022 at 08:19, john faulk <mrjohnnywfaulk@???> wrote:

> Morning Fellas,
> After pulling pieces from PeppermintOS's implementation and generating
> more prototype images than I'm willing to admit, I finally have my own
> Devuan 4 XFCE image (i386, so I can test it on all of my machines) that
> uses Calamares, and it works quite well! Did a lot of reverse-engineering
> from Debian's side of things as well, to get certain bits working. My
> ultimate goal is to lay the foundation for better live images for Devuan.
> Here's what I've modded so far:
> live-config
> calamares-settings-debian
> Currently the package is installed as "calamares-settings-devuan", which I
> hope will eventually be devuan's fork of calamares-settings-debian.
> Currently the only glaring issue I have is getting the icon to show up on
> desktop for the Live Image. Other than that, the package is fully
> functional (if a tad jerry-rigged in a spot),
> and works quite well. The installer also includes artwork of my own
> making, as an added touch.
> If anyone's interested in playing with it or having the stuff I'm working
> with, by all means let me know. If anyone can help me solve the desktop
> issue, that'd be nice, too.
> -John