:: Re: [DNG] Failed to install chimaer…
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Autor: Bob Proulx
Data: 2022-11-17 20:19 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Failed to install chimaera i386 in virtualbox
Ismael L. Donis Garcia wrote:
> When I try to install a chimaera image I get the following error:

Without saying the details of how the install was attempted it is left
for us to make guesses and assumptions. That's always filled with
errors. Best is if you say exactly what you were doing at the time.

> Aviso de debootstrap

Should I assume you were using a debootstrap installation?

> Aviso: Failure trying to run: chroot "/target" dpkg --force-depends --install /var/cache/apt/archives/dpkg_1.20.9_i386.deb
> how could i solve?

I have used debootstrap many times and I have never seen that error
message. And I don't know what was done to produce it. Therefore I
can only make guesses.

Sigh. Okay. Here is my best guess. My best guess is that something
was not done correctly in the running of debootstrap. I know that
answer is not useful. But what other conclusion can be drawn?

Devuan is an overlay of Debian. Therefore we refer back to the Debian
information on how to use debootstrap.


In the reading of that documentation from Debian one must map the
necessary pieces to Devuan. For example where it says this about

    /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch ARCH bullseye /mnt/debinst http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian

In Devuan we would do this. With my own interpretation of what is
actually needed as option arguments.

    debootstrap --arch i386 chimaera /mnt http://deb.devuan.org/merged

And in most cases for me, this. Using the defaults.

    debootstrap chimaera /mnt

The "--arch i386" defaults to the host architecture and normally
should not be needed. I omit it most of the time. But you specified
i386 in the subject so I repeat it here in case of an explicit
reducation from 64-bit host for building a 32-bit guest. 32-bit
guests are somewhat more memory efficient than 64-bit ones for when
larger memory use is not required.

The mirror part, http://deb.devuan.org/merged, can likewise be left
off and using the Devuan version of debootstrap it will default to a
suitable mirror. This is certainly available to use a local proxy
such as this example pointing to a local apt-cacher-ng proxy. The
address here is just an example. Using a proxy cache is more
efficient when there are multiple installs as the packages only need
to be downloaded to the proxy once.

    debootstrap chimaera /mnt

And then after debootstrapping all of the rest of the instructions
from the installation manual need to be followed.


I find debootstrap installs to be useful because then I have complete
control of everything. But they are the opposite of the guided
installs. One has no help.

Instead I recommend downloading one of the guided installation images.


Since you only have networking in one location and that is limited the
answer depends upon what you need installed. Do you need a Desktop
Environment? If so then the 4GB desktop image is best because it has
a full Desktop Environment. But that's a lot of data use for a phone
line network connection.

Is a text terminal system what you are wanting? Then either the
server-CD1 670BM or the minimal-live 460MB images are smaller at and
sufficient for a text console installation.

In any case the installers will guide the install through all of the
steps and is the most typical process used to install Devuan.

Hope that helps!