:: Re: [DNG] granting authorization fo…
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Autor: Antony Stone
Data: 2022-10-24 17:01 -000
Para: dng
Tópicos Antigos: [DNG] granting authorization for Devuan developers to use Debian trademark
Assunto: Re: [DNG] granting authorization for Devuan developers to use Debian trademark
On Wednesday 10 August 2022 at 18:05:54, Daniel Pocock wrote:

> With this email and blog, I'm granting the Devuan developers the right
> to use the Debian trademark under the conditions described in the blog.

I'm not sure I've ever seen an email which took 10½ weeks to be delivered.

> Congratulations. You are now Debian Developers.
> https://danielpocock.com/devuan-debian-trademark-authorization/
> https://danielpocock.com/assets/2022-06-08-debian-trademark-switzerland.pdf

Was this at someone in the Devuan team's request?


If you can't find an Open Source solution for it, then it isn't a real problem.

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                                                         please *don't* CC me.