:: Re: [DNG] Future of my "paddy-hack"…
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Skribent: dng@d404.nl
Dato: 2022-10-15 09:33 -000
Til: Olaf Meeuwissen
CC: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Future of my "paddy-hack" Devuan Docker images
On 15-10-2022 11:04, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> "dng@???" <dng@???> writes:
>> I really would like Devuan to join Docker Hub for supplying verified
>> Devuan images and it is free for open source projects
>> https://www.docker.com/community/open-source/application/
> As mentioned in my other mail in this thread, I am looking at getting
> images on one (or more) of the BIG registries. Of course, Docker Hub
> is a natural first. Thanks for the link, will have a look.
>> But besides that I can make a Gitea instance with 50 or 100 Gb
>> available on a small OVH server in France. CI/CD can be done with
>> Drone CI in Gitea but I do not have any personal experience with it. A
>> Gitlab instance is too bulky for this kind of server (I tried).
> Thanks for the offer but I see what can be done by leveraging existing
> services and infrastructure first.
> Hope this helps,
> --
> Olaf Meeuwissen

Hi Olaf,

If you do go for the BIG registries I would start with Github. It is
free and unlimited for public repo's and creating docker images are
easily automated. I do have this my self too. Every time I update my
repo a new docker image is created and available at ghcr.io.

The only disadvantage is that Github is owned by Microsoft so I keep a
local backup repo and registry just to be sure. That would be my advise
anyway for all BIGgies you eventually want to use. They are big and
powerful and not trustworthy in the long run.

If I can help with anything just let me know.

