:: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes 2022-10-…
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Autor: B Stack
Datum: 2022-10-11 13:34 -000
To: devuan developers internal list
Neue Treads: [devuan-dev] Country codes.
Betreff: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes 2022-10-06
# Devuan meet 2022-10-06 @20:30 UTC

Regrets: hendrik, bb|hcb, amesser

## Old Business

## Old Actions

## New Business

### LeePen

#### Packaging

- Updated devuan-keyring (unstable), but without Jaromil's short expiry key.
- Removed fork of numad from daedalus
- New version of dbus.

#### Amprolla

After [Debian's non-free firmware
GR](https://www.debian.org/vote/2022/vote_003), we need to support the new
non-free-firmware category. I am not sure an amprolla config change alone is
enough and we might need per-suite categories.
- (rrq) do we cover \*-backports-sloppy already?
  - (?) looks like the non-free-firmware section has been added almost
    everywhere... maybe non-free/f/firmware-nonfree will be migrated
    to there eventually?

#### Jenkins

Updated jenkins stable version.

### amesser

#### mailserver infra
- smtp + imap + spamassassin configured
- letsencrypt ssl certificates ready
- todo: define proper ldap database scheme for mailbox management
  - there is no preconfigured scheme matching our needs, so we need to define
    an own scheme
  - ldap schemas use unique identifiers (OID)
  - there exists a test OID namespace with prefix "1.1." which can be used for
    local experiments
  - however, the usual way is to request an enterprise ID from IANA
  - **decision required**: Do we want to request an Enterprise ID and who
    does the registration? (Once the ldap scheme is configured, its harder
    to adapt it again if we postpone this) ->wil register with them
- (rrq) we should add a backup configuration for email as well

### bb|hcb

#### Mirrors DNS round robin
- `xx.deb.devuan.org` is now a redirector to `deb.devuan.org`. The
point in adding that is pointing all country codes without a mirror
serving them to `xx.deb.devuan.org` instead of `pkgmaster.devuan.org`.
- Is it time to make the `CC.deb.devuan.org` official and announce it?
As far as I am aware the only pending thing for this is to make
`apt-panopticon` to automatically change the mirror list.

#### Security updates on the infra
- I am doing that manually from time to time. Any suggestions how to
automate it?

#### Upgrade the infra to `chimaera`
- We are planning to do that with rrq since several months, last time
we postponed because of the keyring incident. Any thooughts for a good
time when some downtime wouldn't be a problem?

## New Actions

### amesser

- Register Enterprise Id at IANA
- Forward any mail for @devuan.org when account not registered locally
- setup backup, store for 30days max
- add pop3 protocol
- allow for configurable mail keep time on server