:: Re: [DNG] Is anybody here?
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Lähettäjä: golinux
Päiväys: 2022-09-27 17:58 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: Re: [DNG] Is anybody here?
On 2022-09-26 19:48, zeitgeisteater via Dng wrote:

zeitgeisteater . . . Thank you for supporting Devuan.

> Do you have a way to donate cryptocurrency?

Not anymore. FYI, financial information is here:

> I am busy developing my own packages/repos in the Linux-sphere but may
> be able to help in certain areas if financial donations are not
> enough.

Without developers to do the work, Devuan cannot survive so that is the
priority atm. I just posted an email to Antonio Rendina listing areas
where help would be appreciated and how to contact us. Please do stop by
and get to know us better. :)
