:: Re: [DNG] meta: list
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Autor: jkinney23
Data: 2022-09-08 11:29 -000
Para: Steve Litt
CC: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] meta: list
Would anyone have the infrastructure to help us less advantaged FOSS advocates
who got trampled on by big tech and the pandemic with the appropriate email address
to stay involved in the discussion if this experiment happens? I just got here and I
love it. I'd otherwise need a bit more time if all the wise old veterans are leaving to go
somewhere else :)


     On Thursday, September 8, 2022, 03:48:19 a.m. PDT, Steve Litt <slitt@???> wrote:  

On Thu, 2022-09-08 at 10:29 +0200, marc wrote:
> I am considering starting an admin list, where one can only
> subscribe with an address starting with admin@... and
> perhaps only one admin@... per IP.

I suggest a name  other than admin@, because people are probably using admin@ for
other purposes already. Maybe something like cleanmail@. I could subscribe with
cleanmail@???  .

I deleted your rant, but see a lot of value in your rant and would like to
participate in your experiment, if you do it.


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