:: Re: [DNG] Configuring ethernet port…
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Auteur: Gregory Nowak
Date: 2022-09-07 00:01 -000
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [DNG] Configuring ethernet port for IPv6
On Mon, Sep 05, 2022 at 11:47:33AM -0400, Curtis Maurand wrote:
> I think this is all great right up until you need a fixed address for
> something like a mail server or a web server.  So far, I've found IPV6 to be
> unreliable.

I would argue it's easier to get a fixed address with IPv6 than it is
with IPv4. If a provider is using mobile IPv6 to hand out addresses,
or is doing something else preventing users from having a fixed static
IPv6 subnet this is the fault of that provider, and not a deficiency
of the IPv6 protocol.


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