Lähettäjä: Haines Brown
Päiväys: 2022-08-22 16:10 -000
Vastaanottaja: dng
Aihe: [DNG] mutt attachment problem
I usually have no problem sending attachments with mutt. But now I
want to send a directory that holds files:
This does not work because I gather attachements must be
single files. Is not a directory a single file?.
So I zipped the directory. But when I try to attach it I get the error
"Error sending message, child exited 1 ()"
My fishing on line did not find a solution. What is this "child"? Is
it the attachment process?
My version of mutt is 2.2.6-1
The size of the zip file is 164 Mb
The file has a .zip extension.
The path is no longer than usual
Haines Brown