:: Re: [DNG] Init respawns - was: Be p…
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Auteur: Didier Kryn
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [DNG] Init respawns - was: Be prepared for the fall of systemd
Le 03/08/2022 à 09:36, marc a écrit :
>> Thanks Karl,
>> Some questions:
> Hello
>> 1) Does Busybox init require the daemon to background itself?
> So I seem no reason why "nohup daemon > /var/log/logfile &" isn't sufficient
> for this, or is there something I am not aware of ?
>> 2) Does Busybox init give you a reasonable way to automatically restart the process
>> after the process terminates?
>> 3) Does Busybox init give you the choice of auto-restart or not for each different
>> process? If it does, that's something specifically missing in Runit.
> At the risk of pinning my own interpretation on this:
> I suppose for quick, dirty and crashy hacks maybe automated restarts
> are useful to paper over some problems. But if the daemon you are running
> is likely to crash, it might also just hang in an infinite loop or
> leak file descriptors, or fill up a partition or grind through swap, things
> that a respawn doesn't really solve ...
> We are often told that "thesedays computers are cheap and programmers are
> expensive" as an excuse for writing flaky software, and from the perspective
> of the greedy and immortal AI that is a corporation, this makes sense - a
> bit of bespoke software, even if flaky, might do the work of a human more
> quickly and cheaper while the costs are externalised.
> But the free software universe things are different - unreliable or
> bloated software wastes the time and hardware resources of thousands, perhaps
> millions of people. And even if you are happy to ignore the environmental
> costs (electricity, more hardware bought more often), then maybe some
> other reasoning might be persuasive: I certainly often marvel at the
> craftsmanship of people from previous ages - from as small as an excellent
> hand tool to as expansive as a church, mosque or similar - those things were made
> not "meh, good enough", but as good as humanly possible, and I would
> think that the free software world has some similarities there - while
> software might be written to scratch an itch, the solution is often
> created for the joy of it, for the satisfaction of building something
> really good - be it just for fun, the desire to leave a legacy or
> building a contemplative mandala.
> TL;DR: just install better daemons ;)


--     Didier