:: Re: [DNG] article about devuan
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Szerző: Steve Litt
Dátum: 2022-07-30 12:20 -000
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] article about devuan
On Sat, 2022-07-30 at 13:14 +0200, tito via Dng wrote:
> On Sat, 30 Jul 2022 06:07:53 -0400
> Steve Litt <slitt@???> wrote:
> > On Fri, 2022-07-29 at 14:27 +0200, tito via Dng wrote:
> > > https://linuxiac.com/best-systemd-free-linux-distributions/
> > >
> > > I think the author knows nothing about devuan and spreads FUD
> > >
> >
> > I thought most of the Devuan review was accurate and complimentary. However,
> > I've
> > never thought of Devuan as "retro" or particularly inconvenient for newbies.
> >
> > SteveT
> Hi,
> FUD:"And now we come to the last Linux distro on our list, where things get
> extreme.
>  This is because we’re not just discussing another systemd-free Linux
> distribution,
>  but one on a mission against systemd. But first, let me explain what this is all
> about."
> Devuan is on a mission for init system freedom not against something.

Wellll, technically yes, but I've met few people in the Devuan sphere who don't have
a negative opinion of systemd. Also, if I remember correctly, and golinux can check
my memories, the original debianfork.org "don't panic and keep on forking" page
didn't use the words "init freedom", and was pretty negative about systemd.

By the way, as you probably know, I'm both pro-init-freedom and anti-systemd.

> FUD: "Unfortunately, its widespread adoption is hampered by several factors."
> Of the listed distributions only MX and Slackware rank betteer on distrowatch.com,
> the other
> rank at about the same positions as Devuan.


> "First, due to the distribution’s establishment by a group of old-school Linux
> administrators,
> many of its features are reminiscent of Linux distributions from 15 or more years
> ago."

Yeah, that statement's stupid. EVERY distro has plenty of things that haven't
changed in 15 years. And bitching about it being old invokes the "Appeal to Novelty"
logical fallacy.

> "To use and understand Devuan, you must change your mindset and perception of the
> distribution’s
>  core beliefs. Because, in my perspective, Devuan is first philosophy and
> secondarily a Linux distribution."

T H A T ' S J U S T I N S A N E !

Nobody, and I mean nobody, goes to the incredible trouble of making a distro to
express a philosophy. I owe a debt of gratitude to the VUAs who, against all odds,
forked Debian and recruited enough people to make that fork a success.

> FUD: to use devuan you have just to keep the mindset you had with previous
> versions of Debian.

I think one selling point of Devuan is that it's a Debian workalike in many ways. A
lot of people loved Debian but hated systemd. Devuan gave those people an
alternative not involving switching to BSD, Void, MX, *too, etc. The author just
expressed this selling point in a negative way.
