:: [DNG] Firefox unwilling to install …
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Auteur: marc
Date: 2022-07-25 19:05 -000
À: dng
Sujet: [DNG] Firefox unwilling to install extensions
Hello list

I am running various versions of devuan (chimera, but also beowulf) in
lxc containers, and the versions of firefox shipping with devuan
refuse to install extensions on a permanent basis.

I can go to

"add-ons and themes->manage your extensions->cog->debug add-ons->load temporary add-on"

and get things like noscript to run, but sadly that doesn't last.
This is on firefox 91.11.0, and also some earlier versions.
The other install methods prompt me for an accept/install, and
then just do nothing...

I am just holding it wrong and is there a magic setting which will
let me install addons permanently ? I did go to about:config, and after several
obnoxiously patronising warnings, set the "xpinstall.signatures.required"
to "false". Alas, that did not seem to make a difference.

I did disable all the telemetry (including the live blocklist
downloads, etc)... Maybe the logic baked into firefox only lets one
install extensions if one consents to regular body cavity searches ?

Or maybe there is logic to detect containers so that the all seeing
eye can require live humans with camera and microphone to present
themselves to the browser ? I have "lxc.cap.drop = sys_module mknod net_raw"
and an intermediate proxy set...

Suggestions are appreciated - my "apt-cache search" did not show
anything called iceweasel, nor palemoon, nor waterfox. Would it be possible
to include these in the devuan repository, or perhaps (a thankless
task, I believe) build a version of firefox with no user-hostile
logic enabled. Though one imagines that would have the benefit
of halving the executable size.

I am not keen to install anything chrome related or derived - that
hands google yet more initiative for the offensive addition
of ever more web mis-features. I think this used be called the
upgrade treadmill in the paid-for software era.

Though admittedly I am also beginning to suspect that google only
keeps mozilla around as pet, to trot out when the regulators
stir in their slumber and mumble something about anti-trust
or market distortion.

Is that as dire as I think ? Should I start planning
a full escape into the gemini universe ? Or is there still
hope - is it still possible to assemble a browser+configuration
which is featureful, ad-free and privacy respecting, to suit up in,
to climb out the airlock and venture forth out into the corporate
wasteland that is the modern web to scavenge a last few bits of
useful information, underneath the heaps of used dopamine
syringes, ad-excrement and other web-addict paraphernalia ?

