:: Re: [DNG] *** SPAM *** Re: Lennart …
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Autor: R. G. Sidler
Data: 2022-07-15 05:19 -000
A: dng
Assumpte: Re: [DNG] *** SPAM *** Re: Lennart now working for Microsoft
Am 14.07.22 um 19:27 schrieb curtis@???:
> On 2022-07-14 05:04, Peter Duffy wrote:
>> On Wed, 2022-07-13 at 15:49 -0500, hal wrote:
>>> On July 13, 2022 3:31:37 PM CDT, Syeed Ali <syeedali@???>
>>> wrote:
>>> :: Microsoft has a great interest in embracing Linux via WSL with the
>>> :: intent to obsolete the need to dual boot.  With many critical
>>> :: distributions and software requiring systemd, it only makes sense
>>> to
>>> :: make sure that WSL has complete support; indeed better support
>>> than on
>>> :: Linux.  Combined Windows and WSL can thereby be extended nicely in
>>> ways
>>> :: pure Linux cannot.
>>> ::
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>>> Microsoft has only an interest in not having any competition. from
>>> DOS, to  Internet Explore vs. Netscape, to SCO Linux. Every few years
>>> they try again. this is all just another example.
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>>> Dng mailing list
>>> Dng@???
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>> I'm sure that is correct. M$ were obviously behind the SCO thing. Thank
>> heavens for groklaw - without Pamela Jones, SCO's legal action might
>> have succeeded, and we might now be paying them for linux licences (or
>> using something else).
>> I do find it interesting that Red Hat haven't commented on Poettering's
>> departure as yet (or at least, I haven't seen any comment from them so
>> far). M$ and IBM haven't always been rivals - worth remembering that
>> OS/2 was originally a joint venture. Then they decided to go their
>> separate ways and fork the OS/2 project: IBM carried on developing
>> OS/2; M$ hacked their version into Windows 95 (remember they took over
>> the front page of the Times to advertise the launch of it?). (Shame
>> that  OS/2 vanished off the radar. I used it daily for a number of
>> years: it was infinitely better than windows.)
>> Obviously something's going on. I guess time will tell what it is. For
>> now, it at least seems extremely good news that systemd is now firmly
>> tarred with the M$ brush.
> As I recall, and I was an OS/2 user, OS/2 was miles ahead of windows,
> but both started with the same codebase.  The Microsoft fork became
> Windows NT.  You could still see the underpinnings in the early
> versions I started with 3.5 and 3.51.  Windows 95 was MSDOS and
> Windows for Workgroups 4.0 (which is why they stepped from windows 3.5
> to 3.51 to fix that little bug. IBM complained, at the time, that they
> were teaching Microsoft how to write an operating system (Microsoft
> purchased MS-DOS). OS/2 had the benefit of the AS/400 (now iSeries) OS
> developers in there.
> I miss OS/2.

I really miss OS/2, too

We were using it as a Server OS and on the clients - and later on,
wanted to start using the thin client-versions, too. But then, we
understood, that there wouldn't be much further development and
eComstation, as nice as it is, has not really made any progress compared
to OS/2 :-(


But now, there is Devuan :-)

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