:: Re: [DNG] moving to a new system
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Autor: Hendrik Boom
Data: 2022-06-25 23:27 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] moving to a new system
On Fri, Jun 24, 2022 at 09:05:39AM -0500, o1bigtenor via Dng wrote:
> Greetings
> Hoping that I'm not asking too many questions.
> (moving from debian testing to devuan testing (daedalus)
> the old system is under 5.17.xx and the new one is on 5.18
> if that makes for differences)
> (I've learnt the hard way that just winging things means a LOT more
> work and even a greater chance for issues.)
> My existing system has been a work in progress for over 10 years. So
> I've gotten things
> set up quite the way that I like them so things change slowly but in
> that there are also
> less 'terror' moments when everything has gone 'goofy'.
> Is there any way to move over things like settings (and all the other
> pamphernania) for browsers and libreoffice and the like?
> I was thinking of doing things by using scp from the old system to the new one

The last time I moved to a new system, I used a veru simple wy of copying over the old files -- I removed the hard drives from the old system and installed then in the new system. Why waste physical drives?

Fortunately, the two sets of hardware were very compatible.

This might not work for you.

-- hendrik