:: Re: [DNG] mouse driver question
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Auteur: Fred
Date: 2022-04-27 15:02 -000
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [DNG] mouse driver question
Hi Karl,

On 4/25/22 15:09, karl@??? wrote:
> Fred:
>> On 4/25/22 10:17, karl@??? wrote:
> ...
>> I am using the DLP-TXRX-G usb/serial adapter with a transistor to invert
>> the mouse output. The mouse has an active high output and the dlp rx
>> input is active low.
> This one:
> http://www.dlpdesign.com/usb/txrx.php
> seems to be ttl, not rs232 levels/signals.
>> I forgot to say in the previous message that x and y movement and
>> buttons 1 and 3 all work normally. Only the middle button doesn't work.
> Well, half a victory!
>> I have some hardware that would be fairly easy to have read in the mouse
>> signals and display the bytes. I will do this over the next few days
>> and it should be possible to determine the exact protocol.
> Nice.
> Regards,
> /Karl Hammar
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I tried inputattach with the sun protocol and the results were the same,
pointer freeze with button2 down.

In spare time I am building a board to convert mouse output to RS232. I
did research on this in 2011. I found a program I wrote (for embedded
controller) to watch serial port and show mouse bytes on lcd. I don't
know yet if it was finished or works. Viewing the mouse output with an
oscilloscope shows it is definitely 1200 baud and appears to be 8 data
bits odd parity and one stop bit. The mouse is sending 5 bytes.

I tried gpm again in a VT. The left button highlights a single
character or lines. The right button highlights lines from the last
left button click. The middle button prints the character that was
under the cursor at last left button click.

I think inputattach is actually doing what it is supposed to do but is
telling the application something different from what the standard
scroll wheel pc mouse does.
Best regards,