# Devuan meet 2022-04-21 @20:30 UTC
Present: golinux, rrq, fsmithred, jaromil, plasma41, hendrik
## Old Business
## Old Actions
## New Business
### LeePen
#### Amprolla Deployed [update to
to remove sources that are unused (produce only banned binary
packages). These are loggedwith "src:" prefix in bannedpackages.txt.
You can check the list of these excluded sources with > curl -fs
https://pkgmaster.devuan.org/bannedpackages.txt | grep '^src:\|[=_]'
#### Packaging Updated packages in ceres->daedalus: util-linux,
pdns-recursor, sysvinit, rsyslog
### golinux
* Broken links on d1g. Should broken links to other Devuan resources be
updated or left broken for "historical purposes"?
* (plasma41) Do you have a specific example? This feels like something
that should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
* (gl) Yes. brocashelm on the channels. Yesterday evening.
* (hendrik) Are those broken links in text under version control?
* (bb|hcb) IMHO, it is better to fix the broken links in place; I see
no historical value in a link on an active forum that points to a no
longer existing location
### hendrik
* Has anyone ever run Devuan under the Windows Subsystem for Linux?
## New Actions
* (gl) ping plentyn (done)
* Plentyn's response: "Sorry, I was overloaded for some weeks, and
probably will be for one more week. I will hopefully be back at the
meeting in May."