著者: Boian Bonev 日付: To: devuan developers internal list 題目: Re: [devuan-dev] Sources unbuildable on Devuan
Hi Mark,
On Mon, 2022-04-04 at 12:54 +0100, Mark Hindley wrote: > Apologies if nobody else is interested in this, but it seems an important
> issue to me!
On the contrary - it is an important part for an open source OS to be able to
rebuild its components from source.
Of course there is the path to build on Debian (or in Debian chroot), but that
adds more complexity to the already complex process.
With best regards,
> I have completed test builds of all the ceres source packages with
> Build-Depends: systemd using dummy-systemd-dev.
> 111 Total source packages ...cut...