:: Re: [DNG] Web md RAID monitoring [w…
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Auteur: Didier Kryn
Date: 2022-03-11 15:04 -000
À: dng@lists.dyne.org
Sujet: Re: [DNG] Web md RAID monitoring [was: Re: Fake RAID]
Le 10/03/2022 à 18:52, Michael Neuffer via Dng a écrit :
> On 3/10/22 08:41, Didier Kryn wrote:
>>      Not packaged. Debian packaging is something I was never able to
>> achieve and I prefer devoting my time to more fruitfull trasks, given
>> my skills. I can send you diskweb.tgz, the size of which is 16K. It
>> is trivial to build. It monitors both md RAIDs and the level of
>> occupation of the filesystems. RAID data is read from devices'
>> representation in /sys/devices/virtual/block, and the display is made
>> attractive by the use of colors and svg graphics. I wrote this more
>> than a dozen years ago and never touched it since that time. It's
>> running on our home Desktop.
>>      Note that the location /sys/devices/virtual/block is not granted
>> to stay the same place in the future, but this location is easy to
>> change in the source in case kernel people change their mind.
>>      If more people are interested I might put it on Devuan git.
> Please do so.

    Its almost done. I have added a few features devised from Tito's
suggestions, and added git version control, but I can't remember how to
create the initial version in Devuan's git store.

--     Didier