:: [devuan-dev] bug#663: man-db: "man …
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Auteur: Mark Hindley
Date: 2022-02-18 09:41 -000
À: Nikolaus Klepp, 663
Sujet: [devuan-dev] bug#663: man-db: "man open" gives the manpage of "xdg-open"
Control: merge -1 664

On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 08:13:10AM +0100, Nikolaus Klepp wrote:
> So what would you suggest? File a bugrport for "xdg-utils"?

You could try.

Looking at the xdg-utils changelog[1], this was introduced recently:

xdg-utils (1.1.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium


  [ Nicholas Guriev ]
  * t-xdg-open.sh: Fix quoting issues. Closes: #975228, Upstream: !32.
  * xdg-open: Open terminal window in generic mode if .desktop file requires so
    Closes: #964877, Upstream: #84.
  * desktop_file_to_binary: fix "unexpected operator" bug. Closes: #809877,
    Upstream: #182.
  * Remove Per Olofsson from Uploaders list. Thank you for your previous work!
    Closes: #847164.
  * Link to /usr/bin/open through alternatives mechanism. LP: #342584.
  * New autopkgtests with Bash and Dash.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 4.5.1, no required changes.

-- Nicholas Guriev <guriev-ns@???> Sun, 10 Jan 2021 12:32:26 +0300

The Ubuntu bug is also worth reading[2], but might not give you much

Whilst it is only a workaround, you might be able to fix the behaviour with (untested)

update-alternatives --remove open /usr/bin/open


[1] https://tracker.debian.org/media/packages/x/xdg-utils/changelog-1.1.3-4.1

[2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xdg-utils/+bug/342584