Autor: Ken Dibble Data: A: dng Assumpte: Re: [DNG] Stability will be achieved when you spend all of your
time reporting on the nothing you did.
On 2/7/22 9:30 AM, Antony Stone wrote: > On Monday 07 February 2022 at 15:23:41, Ken Dibble wrote:
>> Application: firefox 78.15.0esr
>> URL: about:telemetry#home-tab
>> Page contains statement: Telemetry is collecting release data and upload
>> is disabled.
>> URL :about:telemetry#histograms-tab
>> Page contains seemingly endless amounts of collected data.
>> If this data is supposedly not being uploaded by user preference, then why
>> in the H,E,double hockey sticks is so much of it being collected?
> Sorry, but in what way is this a Devuan question rather than a Firefox one?
> Antony.
> I apologize. Except for this being the browser supplied under Chimaera,
it probably isn't. I just thought the information was of value for
Devuan users. I will try and find a Mozilla resource, sorry again for
the noise.