:: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes 2022-01-…
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Autor: B Stack
Datum: 2022-01-18 13:27 -000
To: devuan developers internal list
Betreff: [devuan-dev] Meeting notes 2022-01-13
# Devuan meet 2022-01-13 @20:30 UTC

Present: hendrik, bb|hcb, fsmithred, golinux, plasma41, rrq

Regrets: Adam

## Old Business

## Old Actions

## New Business

### LeePen
* Testing fix for underlying issue that caused the amprolla
chimaera-proposed mismerge last week.

### golinux
* Daedalus desktop needs some love -
* passwords for live images missing from documentation?

### plasma41
* Nothing Devuan-specific from me this week. I've been hacking on
whatever pain points in Debian packages I come across as I'm building
more packages from source locally. Teaching myself email-based git
workflow best practices so I can include properly 'git am'-able
patches in bugreports I file in Debian's bugtracker.

## New Actions