Autor: Antoine Datum: To: dng Betreff: Re: [DNG] Pipewire and PulseAudio: apulse & firefox
On Wednesday, 22 December at 07:08, Steve Litt wrote: > (...)
>PDC (Pretty Darn Cool)!
Thank you!
>With my /bin/sh (which I believe is dash) I had to change:
>function whatever {
>whatever() {
>on all three function declarations.
Yes, now that you mention it, that tends to vary between shells. I should
have included them.
>In the rest of this email, I'm referring to your program as jacketc to
>save myself some keystrokes.
>On my computer, Xterm normally has a nice 14 point font that I set in
>.Xdefaults. But in jacketc, the fact that you give it a name
>(jackinthebox) makes the font go to about 5 point, which is totally
>useless for my eyes. Do I need to make some special adjustment in
I don't know much about .Xdefaults (mine just has some yeahconsole
leftovers), but xterm should have a parameter to define the font (and its
size), maybe something like -fc?
As a temporary workaround, you can ctrl-rightclick anywhere in the window to
get a menu, allowing you to change the font size.
>I'm used to these kinds of terminals not having window decorations. Any
>way to accomplish that?
That would depend on your window manager. I use Fluxbox, so I have the
following lines in $HOME/.fluxbox/apps:
[app] (name=jackinthebox) {1}
[Deco] {NONE}
YWMMV [ Your Window Manager May Vary :^D ]
>On my machine, jacketc doesn't shift focus to the newly appeared
>window. Is there a reason why not?
Huh, that's odd. The "windowfocus" command should do that, with "windowraise"
thrown in for good measure.
YWMMV, again?
>In any window manager enabling you to execute arbitrary commands with a
>keystroke, you can just set that keystroke to run jacketc.
Sounds convenient if you have one of those window managers :^)
>Thanks for introducing me to xdotool. I'll be using that a lot from now
>on. Just another reason I'm going to wait as long as possible to switch
>to Wayland.
>I do have one criticism of jacketc: Lennart Poettering wouldn't approve
>of it.
It's probably best if I not voice my opinion on the subject (not, I suspect,
that many here would disagree with me).
Sorry for not answering earlier (holidays and all that, y'know). In any case,
thank you for your feedback; always appreciated.