:: Re: [DNG] Announce: FlyingTux proje…
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Auteur: Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Datum: 2022-01-04 16:00 -000
Aan: dng
Oude Onderwerpen: Re: [DNG] Announce: FlyingTux project
Onderwerp: Re: [DNG] Announce: FlyingTux project
On 06.08.21 22:19, Steve Litt wrote:


> If I've got this right, FlyingTux is or creates containers hosting
> applications somebody develops. Do I have that right so far?


> What language(s) are best for building a FlyingTux container?

doesn't quite matter, as long as this works well with Linux :p
Actually, FT is trying to reuse existing code (and packages) as much
as possible.

FT itself (the runtime) is implemented in python, since I found it
the most easiest language to start off.

> Will the containers run on Linux, Windows, Mac and BSD also?

For now just Linux, unless you find a way for getting docker and
Linux containers running on other platforms - including features like
mounting host directories, fd passing, ...

> Does FlyingTux have a quick-programming facility for input screens as
> well as data access?

sorry, don't know what you mean exactly. can you explain more in detail?


> Thanks,
> SteveT
> Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult said on Fri, 30 Jul 2021 14:49:32 +0200
>> Hello folks,
>> maybe a bit offtopic, but allow me to announce the FlyingTux project:
>> It's an build/runtime infrastructure for running desktop and mobile
>> applications in containers and build an entirely container-based
>> mobile OS based on it.
>> The primary motivation is my long frustration about the monstreaus and
>> practically unmaintainable Android, which also still lacks lots of
>> common management abilities we know from the GNU/Linux world.
>> In some ways, FT can be seen as an conceptional combination of
>> containers (docker, k8s, etc) and apps (android, etc). One major
>> difference is that also the app images are based on some defined
>> distro base (for start, just alpine, others to follow later) and the
>> images are created on the host, based on host specific settings like
>> hw setups (eg. automatically deploys the right mesa drivers). In future
>> steps some packages of the app distro base (called 'osbase# here) will
>> be replaced or customized, in order to provide better integration with
>> the ecosystem and strip unneeded stuff.
>> Another key difference is moving common functionality (eg. various
>> data sources, communication protocols, ...) out of the individual
>> apps into generic services - and the binding between individual apps
>> and actual services instances can be customized by the user (e.g. one
>> can bind some apps to fake gps instead of the real one, separate
>> address books or user directories, etc, etc).
>> Here's a more detailed description:
>> https://github.com/metux/flyingtux/blob/master/README
>> Note that for now its very experimental and fast changing. Don't expect
>> anything field-ready yet. But it's already good enought to isolate some
>> common desktop apps like gimp, chrome, etc.
>> --mtx
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Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
Free software and Linux embedded engineering
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