:: Re: [DNG] snetaid debs...
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Autor: aitor
Fecha: 2022-01-03 21:02 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] snetaid debs...

On 3/1/22 12:05, al3xu5 via Dng wrote:
> After upgraded to Chimaera, I wsa able to install snetaid .deb
> packets without problems.
> It seems it works as expected.
> Many thanks Aitor!

Good :)

> PS: I would also kindly ask you for information on the status of
> simple-netaid-gtk<https://git.devuan.org/aitor_czr/simple-netaid-gtk>
> Thanks again

I do not dare giving a precise date for the packages of the gtk interface,
because there are also other key-areas on which i would like to spend my time,
such as vdev or the live-sdk documentation, among others. Even though, if it
appears to be a widespread desire on prioritize any of these concrete areas,
it could be carred out in the short term.

Cheers, and thanks for your interest!
