:: Re: [DNG] Release dates
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Autor: Xenguy.fl9z
Fecha: 2021-12-23 03:54 -000
A: dng
Asunto: Re: [DNG] Release dates
Hi Antony,

From: "Antony Stone" ; Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2021 11:22:50 AM:
> Hi.
> I just happened to be telling someone about Devuan as a way of running
> a Linux server without systemd, and I realised that
> https://www.devuan.org/os/releases has no dates on it, which seems
> odd, I think.
> Would it be possible to at least include the release dates for each
> version (and, as a nice-to-have, the planned or historical
> end-of-support dates too)?
> Antony.

Thanks for that suggestion. It seemed to be a good idea, so we've tried
to improve the page along those lines.

Kind regards,