:: Re: [DNG] pkexec in Chimaera
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Auteur: Didier Kryn
Date: 2021-11-08 16:02 -000
À: dng
Sujet: Re: [DNG] pkexec in Chimaera
Le 08/11/2021 à 14:16, Didier Kryn a écrit :
>     There is a hand-made replacement for pkexec and the good old gksu
> and gksudo:
> In your sudoers file (edited with visudo), put the following line
> Defaults env_keep = "XAUTHORITY DISPLAY"
> Note there can be other variables in the list, like EDITOR, but the
> above are the ones which will allow you to run GUIs under root priviledge.
> Then allow yourself to run foo with sudo (also by editing your sudoers
> file vith visudo) and then
> sudo foo
> hth
> --     Didier


su -w DISPLAY,XAUTHORITY -c /usr/sbin/foo

Doesn't work with option -l of su; therefore the PATH is yours.

--     Didier