:: Re: [maemo-leste] Phone support on …
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Lähettäjä: Pavel Machek
Päiväys: 2021-11-06 20:22 -000
Vastaanottaja: Merlijn Wajer
Kopio: maemo-leste, Dev Null
Aihe: Re: [maemo-leste] Phone support on Droid 4

> > Wiki page how to do the switch would be welcome :-), but I'll try to
> > figure it out. Do I need to do something special to install the audio
> > parts?
> Yeah, we really need a page on -devel. I was somewhat reluctant in the
> past not to have every user just switch to -devel and then complain wen
> the system breaks. :-)
> You need to add this line to apt:
>     deb https://maedevu.maemo.org/leste beowulf-devel main contrib non-free


Thank you... sphone is now installed. Sounds in it are not configured
by default, but that was easy to fix. But I'll have trouble with
testing, as I'm outside cell coverage.

> >> Uvos (in CC) did most of the work so far.
> >
> > Thanks a lot!
> >
> >>> Is working phone possible on D4 or N900? Where should I look?
> >>
> >> It is working on the Droid 4, I can confirm. On the N900 it crashes X
> >> because it forces rotation, but we're working on getting that resolved
> >> (fixing the N900 display drivers)
> >
> > I believe there will be more interesting stuff with the N900 in the
> > audio parts...
> Our recently posted update contains some of the audio work I was doing,
> which I think should help a lot on the N900 (if you didn't see the
> update yet, it's worth the read - I think I forgot to mail this list
> with the update):
> https://maemo-leste.github.io/maemo-leste-fifteenth-update-januari-october-2021.html#audio-support

Yep, I found the entry in the meantime. Thank you. (And it may still
be worth it to do the announcement).

> But it's not complete yet. There's a bunch to figure out (how
> Nemo/Sailfish/Mer) does this.
> By the way, the latest Droid4 kernel in -devel also has the headphone
> patches from uvos, in combination with a change to pulseaudio system.pa
> it now changed audio output automatically on plug and unplug. Add this
> to system.pa:
> load-module module-switch-on-port-available
> Later on we will probably stop using the above module in favour of all
> the ohmd and other complex stuff.

Thanks... let me see if I can get it to work.

Best regards,