:: Re: [DNG] snetaid debs...
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Skribent: aitor
Dato: 2021-11-02 07:30 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] snetaid debs...

On 1/11/21 19:48, aitor wrote:

> The code of simple-netaid is ready to use:
> - libnetaid: the shared library
> https://gitea.devuan.dev/aitor_czr/libnetaid/src/branch/gbp-master <https://gitea.devuan.dev/aitor_czr/libnetaid/src/branch/gbp-master>
> - snetaid: the daemon
> https://gitea.devuan.dev/aitor_czr/snetaid/src/branch/gbp-master <https://gitea.devuan.dev/aitor_czr/snetaid/src/branch/gbp-master>
> - simple-netaid-cdk: the ncurses interface
> https://gitea.devuan.dev/aitor_czr/simple-netaid-cdk/src/branch/gbp-master <https://gitea.devuan.dev/aitor_czr/simple-netaid-cdk/src/branch/gbp-master>
> Packages will be available in a few hours...
> Sorry for the delay, and thanks for your interest in the project :)
> Cheers,
> Aitor.


https://www.gnuinos.org/simple-netaid/ <https://www.gnuinos.org/simple-netaid/>

Packages have been tested in a fresh install of devuan chimaera. The dependency on libpstat (Jude Nelson)
might be replaced with pwdx (maybe...) Please, don't forget to configure your /etc/network/interfaces properly.
Next packages will consist of a status icon in both Gtk and Qt. I have them working.

Shortly i'll test simple-netaid in other distributions. Specially, I look forward to build packages for Void Linux,
including also ifupdown -available in github for other distros, de(b|v)uan aside.

Feedback is welcome.

