著者: aitor 日付: To: dng 題目: Re: [DNG] snetaid debs...
Hi all,
On 16/10/21 12:14, al3xu5 wrote: > Hi Aitor
> As you know Wicd is no longer available in Bullseye / Chimaera.
> I would like to upgrade to Chimaera eliminating Wicd (regardless of
> whether it is not available), and I would like to use snetaid, which seems
> to me to be a good alternative.
> So I wondered if there are news on development, even about the GTK
> interface.
> Thanks
> Reegrads
> al3xu5
I've read the warning about the missing wicd in Chimaera and i want to notice you that
i've been working a lot on simple-netaid during these last days. There will be a lot of
new features, being the most important of them the removal of the suid binary on the
one hand, and the addition of a netlink socket in the code of the daemon (snetaid) on the other,
making the ncurses interface reactive not only to the callbacks of the interface itself,
but also to any netlink event coming from foreign processes, whether network managers
or command line scripts. Packages will be available soon, and i hope it won't take me more
than one week.