Autore: wirelessduckData: 2021-09-29 11:412021-09-29 11:41 -000UTC To: JorilCC: Olaf Meeuwissen, devuan developers internal list, 611Oggetto: [devuan-dev] bug#611: bug#611: Package cherrytree is missing from
> On 29 Sep 2021, at 21:12, Olaf Meeuwissen <paddy-hack@???> wrote:
> Hi Joril,
> Joril writes:
>> Package: cherrytree
>> Hello,
>> it looks like the package "cherrytree" is missing from Beowulf, even
>> though it was present in Ascii and IS present in Chimaera
> Per the package
> was not in Debian's buster, hence not in Devuan's beowulf.
> Hope this helps,
Hi Joril,
On a further note to Olaf’s comment, looking at the Debian bugs for cherrytree you can find the reason for removal was due to python2. The more recent version was rewritten in C++ and is therefore back in the Debian package archive.;src=cherrytree