:: Re: [DNG] Review of documentation n…
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Szerző: Hendrik Boom
Dátum: 2021-09-20 13:08 -000
Címzett: Dng
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] Review of documentation needed
On Sun, Sep 19, 2021 at 10:31:19PM -0500, golinux@??? wrote:
> On 2021-09-16 22:30, golinux@??? wrote:
> >
> > You can find the docs that need reviewing here:
> > https://www.devuan.org/os/documentation/dev1fanboy/
> >
> > All releases
> >
> > General information
> > Installing Devuan

In the install guide, under installation images, it refers to devuan.org:
  "From mirrors listed on devuan.org that may be closer to you"
But that's now where the mirrors are listed;
  they are on https://www.devuan.org/get-devuan
It says to download the SHA256SUMS from the release archive.
  * They aren't actually in the place pointed to; rather refer the reader to the 
    "same directory you downloaded the release from"  
  * The SHA256SUMS for chimaera aren't there yet, though the ones for older 
    releases are.

In the actual 'Installing Devuan" section:
  * Step 10: What if there's no space at all on disk?
  * Step 15: Are deb,devuan.org and pkgmaster.devuan.org current?
             What about the long list of mirrors previously mentioned?
  * Step 18:In my experience, installing the packages I've selected takes a lot 
    of time, not 'little' time.
  * Step 20: occurs twice.

> > Full disk encryption
> > Network configuration
> > Devuan without D-Bus
> > D-Bus free software

Surprised to see gentoo listed as a file manager instead of as a distro. But it
seems to be correct.
Isn't slim also a dislpay manager? Does it need d-bus?
Isn't xchat a IRC clint? Does it need d-bus?

> > Minimal xorg install

The command for finding the correct display driver:
root@devuan:~# apt-cache search xserver-xorg-video-.* | pager
Shouldn't the '*' be quoted in some manner so that the apt-cache command gets to
interpret it instead of the shell:

same for input drivers:
root@devuan:~# apt-cache search xserver-xorg-input-.* | pager

> > Minimal XFCE install
> >
> I just realized that several of those documents are already updated for
> Chimaera. Duh . . . Here's the new list:
> General information (will need to be updated to Chimaera at the least)
> Devuan without D-Bus (is this still possible?)
> D-Bus free

software (quite possibly out of date)
> Minimal xorg install
> Minimal XFCE install
> Anything no longer useful/relevant will be removed.
> Thanks for your feedback!
> golinux
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