Hi there,
I just got a bug report about version conflict when trying to install
In contrast to what was reported by reportbug, I believe the machine is
on ceres/unstable. Thus I have compared the versions. [1]_ We are here in a
situation where in Devuan we have libvirt 7.0.0-3+devuan3 in chimaera
and ceres. However Debian has in bullseye and 7.6.0-1 in sid.
Currently I always push updates to "suites/unstable" branch but I'm afraid
they will end up in chimaera distribution at the moment. Which would be
wrong for 7.6.0-1.
I need guidance how to proceed. Is there a way to manage chimaera &
ceres in parallel at the moment? Can I have packages build from some git
branch shipped to a particular distribution, say only "unstable" but no
more "testing"?
gnuPG keyid: 8C2BAF51
fingerprint: 28EE 8438 E688 D992 3661 C753 90B3 BAAA 8C2B AF51