:: Re: [DNG] Download a package, maybe…
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Szerző: Hendrik Boom
Dátum: 2021-08-19 00:48 -000
Címzett: dng
Tárgy: Re: [DNG] Download a package, maybe a few, for a different architecture and a different release.
On Thu, Aug 19, 2021 at 01:25:01AM +0200, Antony Stone wrote:
> On Thursday 19 August 2021 at 01:01:09, Hendrik Boom wrote:
> > I need to download a package to install on a machine that is currently
> > air-gapped.
> Do you not even trust the connectivity to give it a proxy server?

At the moment it doesn't have any connectivity. I'm trying to acquire
the packages I need to make wifi work, after which it will no longer be

> > I have to download an i386 package for chimaera on an AMD64 beowulf
> > machine.

> > How do I go about doing the download?
> I don't think you're asking "how do I fetch packages using wget so I can then
> install them using dpkg".

Actually, that is exactly what I was asking. It is so easy to get lost
in a maze of directories, all alike.

I have now managed to get those packages, so things should work out.

-- hendrik

> I'm assuming you're asking "how can I work out
> which dependent packages I should get at the same time, to make this whole
> process as painless as possible", so my suggestion is that you start from
> https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/packagename and look at everything
> labelled with "dep".
> Check on your chimaera machine whether these are installed, and then you know
> (at the first level) whether you need to install some of those first.

That was helpful. It tured out to depend ofono (though I have no need
for what ofono does, it was a dependency, so I better have it.

-- hendrik