:: Re: [DNG] malfunctioning graphical …
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Skribent: Steve Litt
Dato: 2021-08-11 19:36 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] malfunctioning graphical application
Bernard Rosset via Dng said on Wed, 11 Aug 2021 10:40:31 +0200

>> [...] powering down the computer, letting it alone for 30 seconds
>> [...] All this stuff costs you 10 to 15 minutes and rules out a lot.
>I would also suggest burning incense and jumping on one foot
>counter-clockwise around the desk chair while making chicken sounds.

The sarcasm isn't necessary. There are many weird, hard to find,
state-based problems that disappear (for now) with a power cycle,
because power-cycling brings you back to a known state And those
state-based problems are exactly the ones that take forever to solve,
because they're state based.

If you absolutely must find the exact root cause, then you can't power
cycle the computer, and instead must spend hours or days finding the
root cause. But if you need to get back to work and can live without
identifying the root cause, power cycling can either rule out these
weird state based problems, or remove the symptom. Either way you're
much better off.

In the words of the late Phil Barnett, "While it would be nice to spend
days figuring it out, I spent minutes and got past it."


Steve Litt
Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
Technologist http://www.troubleshooters.com/techniques