:: Re: [DNG] inferno and FlyingTux
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Autor: Hendrik Boom
Data: 2021-08-07 21:20 -000
Para: dng
Tópicos Antigos: [DNG] Announce: FlyingTux project
Tópicos Novos: Re: [DNG] inferno and FlyingTux
Assunto: Re: [DNG] inferno and FlyingTux
On Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 02:49:32PM +0200, Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult wrote:
> Hello folks,
> maybe a bit offtopic, but allow me to announce the FlyingTux project:
> It's an build/runtime infrastructure for running desktop and mobile
> applications in containers and build an entirely container-based
> mobile OS based on it.
> The primary motivation is my long frustration about the monstreaus and
> practically unmaintainable Android, which also still lacks lots of
> common management abilities we know from the GNU/Linux world.

So I said, in another branch of this thread.
: Have a look at inferno. http://inferno-os.org/

Inferno is the system I would have preferred Google used instead of

It isn't a candidate for FlyingTux virtualisation.
But it might be able to alleviate some of the frustrations
inherent in Android.

> In some ways, FT can be seen as an conceptional combination of
> containers (docker, k8s, etc) and apps (android, etc). One major
> difference is that also the app images are based on some defined
> distro base (for start, just alpine, others to follow later) and the
> images are created on the host, based on host specific settings like
> hw setups (eg. automatically deploys the right mesa drivers). In future
> steps some packages of the app distro base (called 'osbase# here) will
> be replaced or customized, in order to provide better integration with
> the ecosystem and strip unneeded stuff.
> Another key difference is moving common functionality (eg. various
> data sources, communication protocols, ...) out of the individual
> apps into generic services - and the binding between individual apps
> and actual services instances can be customized by the user (e.g. one
> can bind some apps to fake gps instead of the real one, separate address
> books or user directories, etc, etc).
> Here's a more detailed description:
> https://github.com/metux/flyingtux/blob/master/README
> Note that for now its very experimental and fast changing. Don't expect
> anything field-ready yet. But it's already good enought to isolate some
> common desktop apps like gimp, chrome, etc.

I get it that there are better ways to have orovided the services Android
provides. But creating a better system than Android using containers and
virtual machines is not going to eliminate the horrible constraints that
Google has foisted on the computing public by their Android system.
Without copatibility with Android and access to the Android app market,
it will not replace Android, not will it make it easy for those wishing
to escape Android still be interoperable with friends wo do use Android.

It's not that inferno is going to obviate these constraints either.
But inferno *has* been implemented in a way that works on Android
phones (though the mechanism may still leave something to be desired)
and also on top of Linux and on bare hardware.

And it does networking. Just about every resource is modelled as a file,
and the file system naturally extends to other networked systems.

So putting it on top of Android and then using Infirno apps might well
be a way to alleviate some of the Android non-interoperability,

-- hendrik

> --mtx
> --
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> ---
> Enrico Weigelt, metux IT consult
> Free software and Linux embedded engineering
> info@??? -- +49-151-27565287
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