:: Re: [DNG] Starting outline for the …
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Autor: Hendrik Boom
Data: 2021-08-07 21:02 -000
Dla: dng
Temat: Re: [DNG] Starting outline for the DNG Safe Programmer Certificate
On Sat, Aug 07, 2021 at 04:36:31PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> spiralofhope said on Sat, 7 Aug 2021 10:37:58 -0700
> >On Sat, 07 Aug 2021 16:21:47 +0930
> >dvalin@??? wrote:
> >
> >> On 30.07.21 11:28, spiralofhope wrote:>
> >> > I also mean that if there are any complex ideas or words, those can
> >> > be explained in separate specific-documentation in the same way
> >> > that code does it.
> >
> >> My preferred method for nesting descriptive prose, and presenting
> >> the whole on one page, is to use folding in vim.
> >
> >I understand this method.
> >
> >However, I disagree with it because it introduces a software dependency
> >and something like a new workflow.
> >
> >Breaking out specific blocks of documentation to a new file is similar
> >to splitting out a chunk of code and putting it in a new file. It has
> >side benefits like allowing a specialist to work on that chunk of text
> >separately.
> >
> >All of this, including collaboration to improve it, reminds me of a
> >wiki, but I'm biased because I was very heavily interested in wikis at
> >(and well before) their rise.
> Wikis are much harder to back up than tab indented outlines. Tab
> indented outlines can pull in external files when used with VimOutliner.

Wikis are often backed by revision management to make it asy for
administrators to bck out of spam.
To make sure they are backed up, use a distributed revivion management
system and make sure there are multiple repositories.

> The essentials of VimOutliner is almost instantly usable by a person
> familiar with Vim, although researching ":help vo" is necessary for most
> efficient use.
> Unfortunately, VimOutliner has been, in my opinion, been left in a sad
> state by the maintainers who followed myself and Noel Henson. Within a
> few days I'll put up a working and efficient, if a couple versions
> behind, tgz for VimOutliner.
> WARNING: Don't use the Debian VimOutliner package. This package has
> autocratically replaced the comma comma command prefix with something
> much, much slower and more keyboard dependent. VimOutliner is simple
> enough to install via tgz plus a few copy commands: Noel and I found
> distro packages to be counter productive.
> Within a few days I'll post vimoutliner-0.3.5 or vimoutliner-0.3.4,
> which are the final two TRUE VimOutliner versions, having all the most
> used features intact.
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
> Technologist http://www.troubleshooters.com/techniques
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