:: Re: [DNG] ..a viable basis for Devu…
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Autor: Arnt Karlsen
Data: 2021-08-06 21:26 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] ..a viable basis for Devuan as a hypervisor?, was: libvirt package without X11 and DBus
On Fri, 6 Aug 2021 20:20:15 +0800, Brad wrote in message

> On 6/8/21 5:12 pm, Andrzej Peszynski wrote:
> >
> >
> > On 06.08.2021 06:25, Brad Campbell via Dng wrote:
> >>
> >> Why do you even need/want libvirt? I have several machines which
> >> run qemu guests just using simple bash scripts to bring them up
> >> (and all the bash script is there for is to hold the command line
> >> parameters). I like libvirt and virt-manager for configuring and
> >> customising the guests, but at the end of the day all that is is a
> >> fancy front end to qemu.
> > <snip>
> >> If you are stripping the guts out of libvirt, why use it in the
> >> first place?
> > Brad, thanks a million! Learning is fun especially for a "apt
> > install" man as I am. I am looking now at how I can simplify all
> > this (may be stripping parts of QEMU too?), to keep running, and
> > handle my configurations and resources binding. In the end, all
> > what I need is executing in isolated ring the ELF of dozen of (not
> > trusted) proxies, servers and libraries + resources balancing +
> > isolated filesystems + sockets.
> >
> > From the other side, I think that the Type 1 hypervisor for desktop
> > is also interesting thing, It's very tempting to have windowed
> > multimachine with realtime switch capability.

..I get the idea that Andrzej and I are looking for Brad's kinda bare
metal hypervisor Devuan install?
We might come up with minimal net-install size install image as an
alternative to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qubes_OS , only without
systemd and based on Devuan.

..in Debian and Devuan we often have package conflict that means hold
back upgrades or ditch good software we'd like to keep, those conflicts
disappears when we can contain each of those old or new things in e.g.
a vm.

> I mostly do that and have done for over 20 years now.
> My desktop is essentially a moderately powered thin client (currently
> a 2011 iMac27 with 2 27" thunderbolt displays running Beowulf). On
> the server side :

..running on that same 2011 vintage iMac27?

> - A Dual head windows 8 VM for Autodesk products & MS Office.
> - A Dual head

..meaning 2 27" physical displays on top of each client's desk?

> windows 10 VM for newer Autodesk products that won't
> run on Windows 8.
> - A Debian wheezy / xfce VM for a specific older version of
> Openoffice.

..I have some old hw running Debian Sarge thru Wheezy, can I simply
yank out those old disks and run them off a vm each?
Junk's still useful as guinea pig rigs. ;o)

> - A Windows 8 VM with a CCTV server.

..is that running better than e.g. motion or zoneminder, or just
based on company policy?

> - A Devuan Ascii / XFCE VM for Peer to peer.
> - A Devuan Ascii headless VM for Cacti, HLI to the HVAC system and
> some general development and plumbing
> - Numerous VMs with specific build configurations for embedded
> software.
> The other thing VMs are good for is tying up Scam call-center
> workers. "My windows is full of viruses you say? And you can help me
> with that? Brilliant, just let me sit down and start my computer
> up" (spins up a fresh clean windows VM I prepared earlier)

..ooo, and with a nice juicy tarpit too? :o)

> Win4lin, bochs and sheepshaver were brilliant, then qemu came and
> conquered. I can't imagine ever running Windows on the bare metal
> again.
> Between spice and rdp, there's not much you can't do.
> Brad

..I get the impression you have what we're looking for here.
Your 'dpkg --get-selections' would get us started, you also
have ideas on how to best set up our own configurations.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
Scenarios always come in sets of three:
best case, worst case, and just in case.