:: Re: [DNG] Nasty Linux systemd secur…
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Autor: Josef Grosch
Data: 2021-07-29 16:34 -000
Para: dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Nasty Linux systemd security bug revealed
On 7/29/21 9:13 AM, tempforever wrote:
> Is this commandment (the code of one subroutine fitting into one screen)
> an absolute rule?  What about, for example, assembly-language
> programming?  Must I buy a bigger screen? :-)
> I will admit that I do very little assembly anymore, so this wouldn't
> affect me much now.  I have many routines in C that take up many lines
> (more than a screen).  I guess I could "compress" them into fewer lines
> since the language allows for that, but there goes the readability!
> Personally, I fail on this point many times.  Sometimes I use more
> instructions than required just to make it more perspicuous what the
> code is doing, but I suppose that is breaking rule #1 then!
> tito via Dng wrote:

I think the idea that is being express could be better stated. The
"rule" that the subroutine / function / method should fit on one screen
is very much dependent on the size of the monitor, the orientation
(landscape or portrait) , and the size of the font used (some of us old
farts need a BIGGER font). I think what tito was trying to say was, like
all things *nix, the method should do one things and do it well. Again,
basic principles, KISS


Josef Grosch            | Another day closer |
jgrosch@???  | to Redwood Heaven  | Berkeley, Ca.