Autore: Dr. Nikolaus Klepp Data: 2021-07-26 16:39 -000 To: dng Oggetto: Re: [DNG] Nasty Linux systemd security bug revealed
Anno domini 2021 Mon, 26 Jul 16:33:45 +0000
g4sra via Dng scripsit: > [...]
> > It takes some effort to learn, but I doubt it's rocket science
> Which is why they call it Computer Science, it's harder.
> Rocket Science has a formula for everything, even the top AI experts cannot formulate the intricacies of a Neural Net program.
Why not? It's just a set of equations. Calling it "AI" might sell it to marketing guys and polititians that definitly lack "NI", but that's about it.
> > and one certainly doesn't need to come from a family who can fund
> > college plus living expenses for 4 years, or 7, or whatever.
> Agreed, we must have all at least heard of Kevin Mitnick, who as a teenager learnt from his dad, a security expert.
> How executing software processes what you enter into it is as much a security concern as the source code.
> >
> > SteveT
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