Autor: Simon Hobson Data: 2021-07-17 09:53 -000 Para: dng Tópicos Antigos: Re: [DNG] Refracta have a static IP Assunto: Re: [DNG] deprecated options (Was: Refracta have a static IP)
Bernard Rosset via Dng <dng@???> wrote:
>> Perhaps it's time for the relevant package to spit out some notice level logging when it hits deprecated options ?
> I can't imagine the volume of information that would produce on system upgrades, even updates packs.
> Unreadable, if you ask me: Too much information = No information, as it will be discarded.
No, I'm not talking about changelogs - which as you say tend to get very lengthy on a system upgrade and either ignored or are a pita to wade through, and for many users, much of what's in there isn't relevant to their use case. I'm talking about, as a service/daemon starts, then it spits out a warning notice **IFF** a deprecated option is encountered in the config.
I've seen the latter many times, and it works - doesn't stop the service working, doesn't disappear in a gazzillion pages of changelogs that no-one reads (because a lot of the changelog isn't relevant to the user's use case) - but does provide a warning that the config needs re-visiting.