:: Re: [DNG] Hopman and inotify
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Autor: Didier Kryn
Datum: 2021-06-29 14:42 -000
To: dng
Neue Treads: [DNG] ..how to installing it from a git repository "the good old Debian way", was: Hopman and inotify
Betreff: Re: [DNG] Hopman and inotify
Le 13/06/2021 à 23:29, Haines Brown a écrit :
> I tried hopman some years ago and loved it, But when installed on a
> new machine failed copy the code. Would anyone indulge me by pointing
> to a link to the current stete of the application?

    "Legacy" hopman is back on gitlab, at
https://git.devuan.org/kryn/hopman <https://git.devuan.org/kryn/hopman>.
The executable is now named /usr/bin/hopman-GTK2, and a symbolic link to
it is created in the same directory with the name hopman.

    To build and install it, first retrieve it from
https://git.devuan.org/kryn/hopman <https://git.devuan.org/kryn/hopman> ;
    Make sure you have the GTK+-2 library installed, eg libgtk-2.0 and
    then go to the subdirectory hopman-1.1;
    make && sudo make install && make cleanall

    Declare hopman as autostarted application of your desktop session.
Alternatively run it from the application menu (submenu: system).

    In the default configuration, hopman uses the following applications
to perform the requested actions: pmount, pumount, thunar,
xfce4-terminal. This is all customizable: read man hopmanrc.

    To uninstall, 'sudo make uninstall'

--     Didier