:: Re: [DNG] ntp setup
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Skribent: terryc
Dato: 2021-06-19 22:54 -000
Til: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] ntp setup
On Sat, 19 Jun 2021 12:18:32 -0500
o1bigtenor via Dng <dng@???> wrote:

> What none of the articles mentioned was on how to synchronize system
> time with npt. I had already installed npt it was the synchronizing
> that I wasn't remembering and there was no mention of how to for
> anything but systemd linked resources. It got it linked but likely
> used a technique far too close to that of a 20# sledge hammer.

For what it is worth, my old way was to have a /etc/init.d/ntpdate("?)
script that synce (set the hardware to an authorative server
elsewhere), then called ntp(?) to do the ongoing update.

The rationale was that ntp would barf would either barf or not correct
a way out of sync time cloak.

I suspect stuff has changed from when I was doing that.

> Given that Devuan is about the 'not' use of systemd it would seem
> sorta normal to have a how-to for a newbie - - - - - and I couldn't
> find anything that wasn't using systemd except for npt and then npt
> only synchronizes only on machine starts.

There seems to be an attitude by some people that Devuan is not for
newbies. Shrug, their loss. However, such is the fact that hands on
keyboards supporting the project are rather limited.

My 2c is that it would help if that project ( local web portal) that
collected list mails and allowed searching was revived. It died shortly
after bots for grabbing email mail addresses started to become common.