著者: Merlijn Wajer 日付: 2021-05-25 23:34 -000 To: Pavel Machek CC: maemo-leste, Ivan J. 題目: Re: [maemo-leste] XTerminal menu no longer working
On 26/05/2021 00:36, Pavel Machek wrote: > Hi!
>>>>> On droid 4, in recent versions, menu in "XTerminal" -- the default
>>>>> terminal emulator -- no longer works. I see animation opening it,
>>>>> briefly empty frame appears, then it disappears.
>>>>> Do you see the problem, too?
>>>> I just tried on my droid 4, and osso-xterm ("X Terminal") menu seems to
>>>> work for me. Are you fully up to date? And are you using the -devel
>>>> repository?
>>> I updated less then hour ago, so should be up-to-date.
>> Ok.
> Strange, I re-did apt upgrade, and now it updates libgtk2-common?
We were just building a new gtk2 package, but that just fixes a memory leak.
> Even more strange, right after upgrade, apt update says "2 packages
> can be upgraded", but apt upgrade does nothing.
> apt list --upgradable says that hildon-meta-droid4 and
> libicd-network-ipv4 can be upgraded. Apt upgrade still does nothing.
> When I try it manually, it says that libicd-network-ipv4 depends on
> dnsmasq, but it is not installable. hildon-meta-droid4 needs
> xserver-xorg-input-libinput.