:: Re: [devuan-dev] Freenode
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Skribent: Rick Moen
Til: devuan-dev
Emne: Re: [devuan-dev] Freenode
Quoting wirelessduck@??? (wirelessduck@???):

> Be careful about advertising the new channels or any mention of
> libera.chat in any existing freenode channel…
> https://www.devever.net/~hl/freenode_abuse

For that reason, I'm waiting to be /kick'ed and IP-banned from #svlug,
the Fleenode channel for Silicon Valley Linux User Group, where I've
been a channel operator for decades.

On Thursday, I (nick "redrick") (nick "redrick") (nick "redrick") (nick
"redrick") (nick "redrick") (nick "redrick") (nick "redrick") (nick
"redrick") (nick "redrick") did this, on #svlug:

15:28 -!- Topic for #svlug: Welcome to #svlug, the Silicon Valley Linux User
Group's 24x7 meeting. Regular meeting 1st Wednesday.
15:28 -!- Topic set by redrick [] [Thu Dec 8 19:10:41 2011]
15:28 [Users #svlug]
15:28 [@ChanServ] [ octorian] [ quaid] [ redrick] [ scubacuda]
15:28 -!- Irssi: #svlug: Total of 5 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 4 normal]
15:28 -!- Home page for #svlug: http://www.svlug.org/
15:28 -!- Channel #svlug created Sat Nov 25 22:43:22 2006
15:28 -!- Irssi: Join to #svlug was synced in 8 secs
15:28 -!- mode/#svlug [+o redrick] by ChanServ
20:33 -!- redrick changed the topic of #svlug to: Welcome to #svlug, the
Silicon Valley Linux User Group's 24x7 meeting.
http://www.svlug.org/ IRC presence moved to irc.libera.chat .
20:33 -!- ChanServ changed the topic of #svlug to: Welcome to #svlug, the
Silicon Valley Linux User Group's 24x7 meeting. Regular meeting 1st
Wednesday. http://www.svlug.org/

...and this immediately ensued;

20:33 -!- mode/#svlug [-o redrick] by ChanServ
20:33 -!- #svlug You're not a channel operator

I called attention (on https://lwn.net/Articles/856543/) to this curious
sequence of events -- and an undisclosed admin apparently restored my
channel op status a day later. So, I then re-set /topic as I attempted
to do on Thursday -- and that's where we stand now. Except, I cannot
help noticing that _lots_ of unexplained /kick and IP-bannings are
occurring across lots of Fleenode channels including my having that done
to me today on #devuan-offtopic, for no obvious reason.

The logic of control-freakery suggests this will get worse, as Mr. Lee
and friends keep (IMO) iteratively shooting themselves in the foot.

Cheers,               Grammarian's bar joke #24:  A verb walks into a bar,
Rick Moen             sees a beautiful noun, and suggests they conjugate.  
rick@???   The noun declines.
McQ! (4x80)