著者: aitor 日付: To: o1bigtenor CC: Devuan ML 題目: Re: [DNG] Request for assistance in dealing with a nouveau problem
On 2/4/21 12:54, o1bigtenor wrote: > Please - - - - if only you had read all the information that was
> included in the original
> post it would be quite clear why this set of instructions is NOT useful.
> Would you please go back and read what is there?
I did it yesterday night and, according to the given information, you
didn't extract the content:
root@debianbase:/tmp/nouveau/nvidia# ls
extract_firmware.py NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-390.141.run
root@debianbase:/tmp/nouveau/nvidia# python3 extract_firmware.py
Among the possibilities i could contemplate, it wasn't really clear to me whether or not
you forgot to copy and paste the missing intermediate step:
sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-340.108.run --extract-only
and i said: "it seems that the nvidia subdirectory is not found".
If you felt offended by my question "didn't he/she?", my intention was far from it.