:: Re: [DNG] Discovery #fail
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Autor: Ludovic Bellière
Data: 2021-03-28 05:50 -000
Para: Steve Scott via Dng
Assunto: Re: [DNG] Discovery #fail
Hi Steve,

It's most likely a debian issue. And to be more precise, a Xorg that
may not be up to date. I would advise you to check devuan's Xorg
version and check if the firmware of your laptop is talked about on the
internet. Ubuntu likely uses a more recent version of Xorg than debian,
or any other library that enable discovery of your display.

All in all, a display doesn't seem to have to do anything with init
freedom. Would it?


On Sun, 14 Mar 2021 16:34:25 +0000
Steve Scott via Dng <dng@???> wrote:

> Greetings all,
>     I've been a long time Devuan user, and have donated to the
> project because I would very much like to see it continue. I recently
> was forced to upgrade my laptop, having completely destroyed my old
> one, and upon installation (dual boot) of Beowulf 3.1.0 and reboot,
> was dropped into a shell prompt, no graphics. LSPCI revealed only 2
> devices were actually identified, the others merely providing
> vendor/device ID information, including the NVIDIA gfx device.
> dmidecode provided plenty of information however. I was able to
> install the driver from the vendor and get CUDA working, but was
> never able to get Xorg to recognize the display.

> Since a desktop was pretty critical to my needs for this machine, I
> gave Ubuntu a shot - not that I like Ubuntu all that much, but they
> do seem to have desktop setup polished well.
> Whadayaknow, Ubuntu pretty much discovered everything, so it appears
> I will be living here for the time being. Happy to provide whatever
> data you need. SWS