:: Re: [DNG] Very offtopic: 70's music
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Autor: Florian Zieboll
Data: 2021-03-04 16:24 -000
Dla: dng
Temat: Re: [DNG] Very offtopic: 70's music
On Thu, 4 Mar 2021 16:51:28 +0200
Dimitris via Dng <dng@???> wrote:

> Στις 4/3/21 4:16 μ.μ., ο/η Stephane Ascoet via Dng έγραψε:
> > And so I can't let Steve say something a little like "there was
> > mainly Disco in the 70s".
> 70s gave us punk/punk rock, hard rock/heavy metal, 2nd wave ska,
> reggae and some of the greatest rock music ever...
> around the world, 70s produced good ethnic music, even in the
> -forgotten- african continent.
> and locally, after the us-dictated military dictatorship and its
> widespread censorship ended in the mid70s, there was a blooming
> artistic creation and great local music was produced.. :)
> in anycase disco would be last on my list of 70s music :P
> 2c.
> d.

Yes, and it was in the seventies, when the transistor amplifier entered
the stage.

Just to drive this thread even more off topic, although I was too young
to realize this back then: The fact, that the sound wave induced from a
shellac-78rpm or vinyl record over a tube amp to the air by a speaker's
membrane is actually THE SAME WAVE which had hit a microphone a more or
less long time ago is still stunning me, whenever I think of it.

libre Grüße,

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heilt den Menschen von seinem Stolz -
denn sie zeigt ihm seine Grenzen."

Albert Schweitzer