:: Re: [DNG] Netiquette
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Skribent: Olaf Meeuwissen
Dato: 2021-03-04 11:45 -000
Til: Steve Litt
CC: dng
Emne: Re: [DNG] Netiquette
Hi Steve,

Steve Litt writes:

>>What is the netiquette on this list for changing subject lines.
>>I hate hijacking threads but I also hate breaking them.
>>Which is the lesser of the two evils ?
> :-)
> My 2 cents: When the stuff I'm discussing no longer is apropos to the
> OP's post, I change the subject line. I typically do it like the
> following:
> Name of my new discussion: Was: Name of the OP's discussion

I usually put the "Was: ..." bit between parentheses and use lowercase
so you get:

Name of my new discussion (was: Name of the OP's discussion)

but that's just me.

> It's a gray area because generally threads aren't full-on hijacked, but
> instead slowly drift away. My decision difficulty is determining at
> what point do I change the subject .
> By the way, people who take an ongoing, solid discussion, and reply
> about something totally unconnected with the discussion have a special
> place in hell reserved for them. Perhaps, in addition to the normal
> fire and brimstone, they'll be forced to use systemd for eternity.
> And then there are the people who say "sorry for hijacking this
> thread, but", and then go on to hijack it. In addition to the
> punishments mentioned in the preceding paragraph, these people's
> eternal roommate will be Lennart Poettering, who will lecture them, for
> eternity, on why they are wrong about everything.

Thanks for giving me a good laugh, the ROTFL-kind actually, when I could
use one :bow:

Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2            FSF Associate Member since 2004-01-27
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