Auteur: tito Date: À: dng Sujet: Re: [DNG] My Qemu LAN-peer documentation is now in its first draft
On Wed, 03 Mar 2021 21:44:30 +0000
g4sra via Dng <dng@???> wrote:
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Wednesday, March 3, 2021 7:54 PM, tito via Dng
> <dng@???> wrote:
> > On Wed, 03 Mar 2021 16:15:10 +0000
> > g4sra via Dng dng@??? wrote:
> >
> <snip>
> > >
> > > Your 'predictable' names name are being assigned by what ?
> >
> > By the kernel, I suppose as you can pass a kernel command line
> > parameter with grub (net.ifnames=0 or net.ifnames=1)
> > to switch between eth* and en* names.
> >
> Search under /lib/udev, you will find rules that post-boot process
> the kernel command line. It is very common to pass configuration
> options to userspace via the kernel command line at boot. The kernel
> simply ignores anything it doesn't understand.
In my young years I used to tinker with linux distros on floppy
disks and there still where eth0, eth1 and so on but no udev,
so where did the names came from?
> >
> > I was there, I did try hard, but I was not able to make ifrename
> > work reliably in the case you want to rename and reorder
> > the interfaces (that is change the name and the number)
> > because you change it one by one but the names you want
> > are already in use by other interfaces that are up.
> >
> The key is to be imaginative with the naming, using standard network
> device names is not recommended an will cause issues if anything is
> hotplugged. And to demonstrate how imaginative I am and always
> practise what I preach, in one router I use the following.
> wan0 // this should actually be man0 for metropolitan area network,
> but I didn't like 'man' and it reaches the wide area network
> eventually anyway. lan0 // local area network interface wlan0 //
> wireless local area network access point interface
> In another I prefixed 'mb' for devices on the motherboard and 'ex'
> for an external USB ethernet adapter. I never did check to see if
> they potentially conflict as it just worked fist time trying.
> mbeth0
> mbeth1
> exeth0
> In my top secret highly confidential system (which I would have to
> Men In Black neuralise you if I revealed) I rename so that it makes
> my firewall rules easy to read.